Sunday, December 14, 2008


When my friend from Singapore called to say she was in town, it was a great chance to catch up in the city, and I took this photo while waiting to cross the road. The glorious rain sent me (and hundreds of others I am sure) scrambling through closets and car boots (trunks) to find an umbrella, remove any spider webs and then enjoy the sound of rain splashing all around apart from my own personal cone of dryness. With rain scheduled on and off for the next week, there is a chance of good falls in our water catchment areas. At time of writing the dams are just 34% full for the greater Melbourne drinking supply. Water - the most basic of needs, now treasured as something precious. I am reminded of the story in John 4 where Jesus talks with a woman at a town well. She comes from a background of promiscuity, and of great need, and Jesus cuts to the chase when he tells her "I have water that will satisfy. Drink from me and you will never thirst again." Sometimes it takes something as natural as a rain shower to remind me that I do have a well that goes deep and is filled with living water - and I need to dip into that to fully satisfy the thirst within.

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