Friday, December 26, 2008

The Great Gift Exchange

Christmas in Australia means many things - family time, food, decorations, church, The giving of gifts has overshadowed the greatest gift of all - that of God Himself coming as a child to live among us, experience the challenges, joy, tears and fears that is life, and finally to give Himself to take our punishment, to give us the gift of life. Life now and life eternal. Now that's a big gift! Yesterday I had the privilege of sharing on this aspect at Northside Christian Church in Bundoora. I had two 'bad news readers' come up to read the headlines of today - mostly doom and gloom, tragedy and loss. Then chose a child to be the angel reading the Good News of Luke 2. Finally I chose two boys to represent the two groups of people who knew of the event of Jesus' birth before anyone else - shepherds (the lowest of society of that time, often scoundrels, rough and ready) and wise men (I had this young man wear a mortarboard and hold a diploma - the Bible says they were "wise' not necessarily kings). The two extremes - rough, uneducated, to highly intelligent and capable. One of the messages of Christmas is that God's gift if for everyone and all who will accept it. He offers unconditional acceptance, unconditional love and through His Son, eternal life. WOW! What on earth can I give to match that? The simply answer to this - I can choose to live to serve Him, to live life through His eyes, to accept others, to curb selfishness, to make a difference in this world, not to earn salvation (acceptance of the gift does that) but to seek to see others discover the same gift. Christmas - Christ in our world, our life. Consider this quote from Charles Swindoll: “Emmanuel. God with us. He who resided in Heaven, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, willingly descended into our world. He breathed our air, felt our pain, knew our sorrows, and died for our sins. He didn't come to frighten us, but to show us the way to warmth and safety.”

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