Sunday, September 14, 2008

Melbourne Spring.....

Ten days home - Spring weather's ups and downs, bulbs blooming, blossom just breaking though on barren branches. Sometimes things are never what they seem - my backyard has the remnant of a nectarine tree, and a young cherry. I was delighted to see blossoms on the nectarine - amazing as these flimsy branches have sprung up from a seemingly dead tree. Then the cherry - no sign of anything, and I presumed it was a victim of the water-shortage Melbourne is experiencing. But then, on closer inspection I saw them - the tiniest buds, and today, a tiny green shoot of a leaf. the miracle of life. John 10:10 says "I have come to give you abundant - overflowing - LIFE". I am thankful that I found the LIFE that Christ offers - that when I was DEAD in my own selfishness, His love penetrated the dead wood in my heart, and, just like my cherry tree, He brought forth NEW life. I love the deadness of winter springing into life, to action, to beauty - welcome SPRING!

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