Sunday, July 22, 2007

Miracle Mountain

Miracle Mountain is always just that - a place where miracles do take place. Miracles of love in young hearts, of healing, of encouragement and of hope for a future. I love the emphasis on everybody having a part to play. Here some of the kids join in the praise time on their own instruments and they did a great job. After service is over, the music starts again and kids dance around the tent. The Lord really does touch hearts, both young and old. On the first night we had a number of kids and one adult invite Jesus to be a part of their lives. That is exciting...and a miracle! For Sue and I this camp is always a time where we find ourselves encouraged by kids and workers alike. We always take something away with us in a spiritual sense. People often ask "How do you get ministered to when you are always taking the kids' program?" As Sue says "The same way pastors are ministered to - they don't get many breaks away from the responsibility of bringing a message to their people. We spend time with the Lord ourselves, PLUS you would be amazed how many children minister to us...along with adults who take time to share what they feel the Lord is saying." That's what being a part of the 'body of Christ' is all about.

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