Monday, September 03, 2007


"GOTTA LOVE THESE GUYS" goes the slogan for the Seattle Mariners baseball team. Sue jokes that there are three conditions in my "contract", namely a visit to the Museum of Glass, a trip to the coast, and one Mariners' game. Two out of three is par for the course, but this year I made it to all three!
Sadly, the M's didn't win, but I love the atmosphere of the game. Family groups predominate, language and drinking are carefully watched, and the thrill of the big crowd, with the carefully placed music or sound affects to draw a supportive response all make for a great few hours. Behind us was a family which included a young boy, possibly 4 years old. He sat perched on his dad's lap and watched every innings intently. As the pitcher wound up I would hear the voice from behind "Strike him out Felix , strike him out!" Felix Herndandez did his best, but victory was not to be that day. Not for lack of support from the young man behind! I was amused at his dedication and the fact that he knew his players! "Hit it out of the park Ichiro!" "Make a home run Beltre!" Sue and I work with young (and not so young kids) most of the year. Just as this young man was absorbed in baseball, so our delight is in kids who realise that we play in the greater game - the game of life - and the Master Coach, Jesus, is there to help us all the way! "Make a home run......." you fill in your name!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, STUBBS...Just a quick note to say hello. (Yes, I did talk with Sue last night, hence the "stubbs".)...:-) praying for your ministry. One day, hopefully I'll get to visit your country. Thanks for the reminder about our Heavenly Coach. Take care!