Friday, April 13, 2007


Twenty years ago this month, Sue took a 'leap of faith' and stepped out of a secure position on church staff in her home town of Boise, Idaho. She moved to Seattle and launched an ininerant ministry working with churches in reaching children and training and equipping children's workers. The early years were a test of faith but as Sue puts it: "The safest place for you to be is in the centre of God's will for your life". And over the years this has proven true. CCM (Carpenter's Cross Ministries) has travelled to many countries including India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Czech Republic, China and more, training national workers and inspiring people everywhere with passion for kids. Congrats Sue - seen here cutting her cake and talking to Larry (AKA Carolyn). Coincidentally Larry chalks up 10 years and Carolyn 15 as part of the CCM team.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Congratulations to Sue, Carolyn & Larry on your anniversaries of service to our Lord.